2025 SSM Horror & Dark Art Calendar

Greetings Cadavers!

We are excited to announce the 2025 Horror & Dark Art Calendar entries are now open!! Once again we are seeking sinister photo submissions from all independent horror artists to showcase your evil workings! There are some guidelines below that must be followed, and yes, a photograph release (a necessary document to keep everyone honest), has to be submitted. Other than that, if you have created horror art in some evil form and you want to showcase it in our calendar (it's free by the way, no entry fee!), take a photograph (digital) and send it to us for consideration. We will wade through the rivers of blood and gore to choose just the right ones. But there is more. If your photograph is chosen for a monthly wall, you will be rewarded:

  • One contributor’s copy of the calendar

  • One Split Skull Media T-Shirt

  • One Death Certificate (yup, these are back, too!)

  • Photo credit and website listing

  • Huge bragging rights

If we use your photograph on/inside the grid (smaller photo):

  • Honorable mention on the calendar

Please understand that every entry cannot be a winner. These artworks are painstakingly viewed and reviewed. Choosing the right ones is difficult and we hold no biases. When the photos are finally chosen, we have become mere shadows of our former selves, slinking deep into our coffins in a whirlwind of self-inflicted madness... but we wouldn't have it any other way.

How to Enter:

  1. Read all of the guidelines Here

  2. Complete Photo Release Form Here.

  3. Submit artwork to: [email protected]

That's It! So, bring us your most macabre works of art. Make it your evil, scary, sexy, gory, twisted, vile, and horrific best.

NOTE: We understand that your art is very personal and important to you and that free exposure isn’t for some artists. We’ve had our share of those that wish to be paid cash money, the endless Oregon Trail jokes, and the “artists can’t live on exposure” comments. We offer what we can and cannot pay at this time. In the future we hope that becomes a possibility. This calendar takes months to put together and we never ask for a dime. In fact we actually LOSE money, but we feel it is worth it as a free avenue for horror artists to explore. Plus, it is also 100% VOLUNTARY. No one is forcing anybody to submit your work. We do it for the love of the genre and to hopefully pass some great horror art into the right hands. With that being said, if you want to submit something we are excited to see it. If not, keep the rude comments and lame quips to yourself and move along.

Thank you and GOOD LUCK, CADAVERS!!!